4 Sports You Can and Should Play With Scoliosis

A female personal trainer teaching a woman how to do a strength exercise with a kettlebell in a Pilates studio.

Living with scoliosis doesn’t mean you have to give up on sports or an active lifestyle. Staying active is crucial for managing scoliosis and improving one’s overall health. Today, Beyond Balance will introduce four sports you can and should play with scoliosis to help you stay fit and manage pain. These activities can be a game changer, so keep reading and give them a try!

Swimming Laps

Swimming is one of the best sports for people with scoliosis. The water’s buoyancy reduces stress on the spine while allowing a full range of motion. Swimming laps also strengthens the core and glute muscles, which support the spine.

Practicing different strokes, such as the backstroke and breaststroke, can provide a balanced workout. However, avoid certain strokes that can twist the spine, such as the butterfly or front crawl. Consult a swimming coach to tailor a routine that suits your condition.

Low-Impact Cycling

Cycling is another great option for individuals with scoliosis. It provides a cardiovascular workout without putting too much strain on the spine. Using a stationary bike is particularly beneficial because you can control your intensity and posture.

Adjust the seat height and handlebar position to maintain proper back alignment, whether you’re biking traditionally or on equipment. Wearing supportive footwear and using padded seats can also make cycling more comfortable. Start with short sessions and gradually increase your time and intensity as your endurance improves.

Use caution when cycling outdoors on different terrains. Avoid hilly areas and uneven surfaces that might jolt your spine. Always wear a helmet and consider investing in a bike with good suspension.

Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-country skiing offers a full-body workout and is gentle on the spine. This sport involves gliding over snow-covered terrain using poles, which engages the upper and lower body muscles. This continuous movement promotes cardiovascular health and builds endurance.

Practicing cross-country skiing on flat or gently rolling terrain minimizes the risk of spinal injury. However, using the correct technique is essential to avoid unnecessary strain on your back. Beginners should consider taking lessons to learn the proper form and technique.

Strength Training

Strength training is vital for building muscle and supporting the spine. Pilates is an excellent form of strength training for scoliosis patients. It centers on core stability, alignment, and controlled movements.

You can practice Pilates using a mat or specialized Pilates workout equipment from Beyond Balance such as the wall bar mobility station. These exercises target the back, pelvis, and abdomen muscles, which are essential for maintaining good posture and spinal alignment. Working with a certified Pilates instructor trained in instructing those with scoliosis can help you perform the exercises correctly and safely.

Resistance bands and light weights can add variety to your Pilates strength training routine. Focus on slow, controlled movements and pay attention to your body’s signals to avoid overexertion.

Staying active with scoliosis is possible and highly beneficial. This list of four sports you can and should play with scoliosis offers excellent ways to stay fit and manage this condition. By choosing the right activities, you can enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle without compromising your spine’s health.

Explore Beyond Balance for scoliosis exercise equipment that can help you stay active and manage pain.

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